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Project Morry Joins Youth INC. Network

Project Morry Joins Youth INC. Network

Project Morry is proud to share our acceptance into the 2019 Youth INC. Metrics program. We join a network of more than 80 exceptional youth development programs collectively serving over 200,000 New York youth. Youth Inc. is an NYC based venture philanthropy organization started by a former Goldman Sachs managing director to build capacity and maximize impact for youth-centered NYC non-profits.


As part of the 2 year long Metrics program, we join a cohort of 8 other peer organizations all working to build evaluative capacity and better understand the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) outcomes of our work. These research based SEL outcomes measure 6 key capacities: academic self efficacy, positive identity, self management, social skills, social capital, and contribution which are linked to long term academic and career success, increased resilience, and greater thriving.

We will use this data to improve program design and increase our students’ outcomes for on-time advancement to the next grade, on-time high school graduation, college enrollment, and college graduation rates and in turn improve their long-term academic and economic success.

The Metrics program will also provide support as we build a continuous improvement process and assess staff capacity to deliver effective youth development practices that promote positive outcomes.

We thank Youth INC. for the opportunity to learn and grow in service of our shared goal to empower youth and families for positive change.