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Our Stories
In the spirit of camp tradition, we like to tell stories. Our community’s stories are inspirational and tell tales of support, friendship, learning, adventure and fun.
Hear our stories

Dyeemah Simmons
Participated in Project Morry: 2002-2010
Dyeemah attended Oberlin College where she double majored in Studio Art and English. After graduating, she spent a year teaching in Greece through the Anatolia College Fellows Program. Dyeemah currently works at the Whitney Museum of American Art as the Assistant to Teen Programs.

Alyssa Montalvo
Participated in Project Morry: 1998-2006
Alyssa graduated from SUNY Old Westbury with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, and currently works as the Human Resources Manager at online media company Refinery29. She has been a member of the Dare to Dream event committee for four years, volunteers as a Project Morry coach, and is currently the Project Morry Alumni Committee Co-Chair. Alyssa also visits Morry’s Camp each summer to lead a resume writing and interview skills workshop with the Post Grad III’s.

Onyebuchi Chilaka
Participated in Project Morry: 1999-2007
Buchi has a background in the financial services industry and with nonprofit organizations. After graduating from Baruch College in 2011, he spent three years as an Operations Analyst, gaining valuable experience in compliance, due diligence and wealth management reporting. In addition, he has been working with a community youth development organization in the tri-state area as a camp counselor, mentor and fundraiser. Buchi recently completed his studies at Darden Graduate School of Business Administration after two years. He chose Darden because of its rigorous curriculum as well as its tight-knit community.
Outside of his studies, he is a member of the Finance Club, DABO and BBSF. In addition, he is an active member of the Student Admissions Committee where he facilitates the diversity marketing efforts. In between his first and second years, Buchi spent his summer internship at Citigroup in New York City as an Investment Banking Summer Associate.

Saul Arvelo
Participated in Project Morry: 1996 – 2004
Saul graduated from Hofstra University in 2010 with a Bachelor of the Arts degree in Communications. He was one of the first alumni to return to Morry’s Camp as a counselor for the summer program, and upon graduating from college, worked for Project Morry in a full-time capacity as the Post Grad Program Coordinator from 2010 to 2011. Since then, Saul has gone on to work for major Television Networks including the Disney ABC Television Group in a Talent Acquisition capacity, and at NBCUniversal as a Production Manager for its Daytime/Syndicated programming. Saul now works as a Digital Project Manager for the Fusion Network, a Disney ABC-Univision joint-venture, where he manages an office of writers, story editors, and digital producers for the Fusion.net website. He is the first Project Morry alumni to be elected onto the Project Morry Board, where he currently serves.

David Vargas
Participated in Project Morry: 2000-2008
David finished his Masters in Sociology at Southern Connecticut State University in 2015. He earned his Bachelors at Eastern Connecticut State University in the same field with a minor in Psychology. He is currently working at Marrakech Inc as an employment specialist in New Haven, connecting people with disabilities to employment opportunities. David is also becoming a big brother in the Derby /Ansonia area and does volunteer work in the New Haven area.
Rachel Andreus
Participated in Project Morry: 1996-2004
In 2008, Rachel graduated from Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management, with a concentration in Marketing. Since then she’s worked at several advertising agencies and was recently promoted to Digital Director at the media-planning agency MEC in New York City. She oversees a team of six planners and takes pride in being a mentor to her current and previous teams.
Brandie Lee Johnson
Participated in Project Morry: 1996-2004
After completing her Project Morry experience as a camper, Brandie returned as a Drama Counselor in 2006. She then went on to obtain a degree in Performing Arts from Oneonta University, and a Master’s degree in Theater Education with a concentration in Colleges and Communities from New York University. Brandie took part in a study abroad and volunteer program during her Master’s program, traveling throughout South Africa and working at an orphanage teaching drama and creative arts. After graduating from New York University, Brandie moved to South Korea, where she taught drama and English to Korean students. She says that her experience was really life changing and given the opportunity, would most definitely do it all again.Currently, Brandy is an Enrichment Teacher at a day care center in the Rockefeller building in New York City. There she teaches drama, arts and crafts, and educational activities to children 1-13 years old.

CT – Post Grad Participant
It is an honor and privilege to attend Project Morry, because not everyone can go. You have to earn the chance to attend each year. At Project Morry, you learn from the people around you. It is my fifth summer at camp, and I have learned about leadership, achieving goals and creating a network of support. Project Morry and Morry’s Camp is a safe sanctuary, where everyone’s a friend and there’s always someone to help you out. Starting off at camp everything is new, and you don’t have to know what to expect. Over the years, you discover more about yourself and make the choices you need to reach your goals.

NY, NY – Post Grad participant
Morry’s dream is inspiring. Every time I hear it, I feel like I carry his legacy and so do my little brothers. Morry wasn’t just a man, he was the start of something big, bigger than the camp, bigger than the lake. That something was the community at Morry’s Camp which helped me see that doing bad things is not the best thing. You will see that I am not always perfect but I try to change my ways, and if it wasn’t for Morry I don’t know where I would be.

CT – Undergrad participant
The perfect age is “9” because you get more responsibility and you still get treated like a kid.

Bronx, NY – Undergrad participant
At Morry’s Camp I saw lots of trees and animals that I had never seen before, like deer, gliding squirrels and chipmunks. It was quiet. Morry’s Camp means having fun and meeting different people. The counselors at camp were from places all over the world. I got to play kickball and basketball, and on Whale Day we did activities where everything was about water. During the school year, we have meetings where we discuss obstacles and goals and talk about what we did the week before. At camp, we learned how to treat people nicely and how to stay out of trouble. I’m looking forward to having more fun next year at Morry’s Camp.
Post Grad parent
All I want to say is thank you very much for all the courage, confidence and understanding that you have given my daughter. She is developing into a caring and open person, and I thank you with all my heart.
Alumni parent
My sons have just returned from their summer session of Project Morry. Each summer they've been away, they return with more wisdom, insight and new levels of responsibilty and ownership. The staff have done an amazing job inspiring these youths to reach inside of themselves and tap into their potential and talents and achieve their dreams... I'm proud to have my children be a part of this phenomenal program. I know Morry Stein would be so proud to know his dream continues to unfold.
Post Grad and Undergrad parent
Morry's Camp counselors and coordinators have been amazing to my three kids. They took the time to get to know them individually, to build a beautiful relationship almost like family. Not only do they spend three weeks at camp, they meet once a month to catch up and learn coping skills, leadership skills, and academic skills. The activities they do at camp has enhanced their characters and made them more independent. I could keep going but basically... We love Project Morry.
Post Grad parent
Myself and my wife wanted to let you know how much we appreciate the work that you do for the kids who attend Project Morry. I can’t say it enough – we thank you for everything you do. Our son enjoys going to camp, enjoys going to the meetings, he enjoys participating in whatever activities that you have for him. If there is any way possible that I can do anything, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Post Grad and Alumni parent
Project Morry has made both of my children courageous, personable and caring individuals because they were given the chance to meet people completely different from them and put into a safe environment where they were able to get to know others. They were pushed out of their comfort zone in all the right ways, so they could become the people they are today. I thank Project Morry from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my family.

Morry’s Camp Staff
Reflecting on an experience is like writing a novel on a collection of times and spaces. Summer camp is a place to have fun, to grow and to leave. Coming to camp is one half of the equation, the most important half is leaving. When one comes to a place, anticipation, expectation and growth are all hoped for. When one leaves, legacy, fulfillment and growth remain. Leaving means that one can venture out from a place having been changed. Coming to camp is exciting, leaving camp is venturing into the unknown filled with challenges accepted, events finished, tasks completed and lives changed. Camp is a place for little people – to come and change perspectives, stereotypes and lives of BIG people. I have been changed, and so have they.

Morry’s Camp Staff
I’d just like to reach out and thank each of you for allowing me to come back and visit Morry’s Camp! Honestly, those 24 hours were the best 24 hours of my entire summer! I truly enjoyed the Equalizers and just being back at camp. I deeply respect everyone that contributes to Project Morry and what it stands for. Because of this experience, I have a completely different view on non-profit organizations and their effect on the world. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to be a part of the vision of Project Morry is because I KNEW I could sympathize with their situations. I’ve experienced it and I wanted to show them how to take their situations and use them as an advantage. I’d like to think that I succeeded at that. The work that Project Morry does means so much to me. When I left on Tuesday, I left a piece of my heart so that I can always be with Morry’s Camp. Thank you all for what you have done to make this experience the best for me! I am glad to have been a part of the dream at Morry’s Camp!

Jeff Ackerman
Founding board member
One of the greatest things about Project Morry is that it’s a reflection of what Morry was, and his basic principles still come through. He had a mentoring style that was very unusual – he could see in the kids what they couldn’t necessarily see in themselves. He was your partner, and had an uncanny ability to help you discover your own strengths.

Davi Fisher
Project Morry Coach
In 2005, I decided to volunteer as a Project Morry Coach. As a friend of Morry Stein and a longtime supporter of Project Morry, I decided to do a bit more. Morry was all about kids, role models, and forging relationships and I thought becoming a coach was a good way to truly honor his memory and impact on so many lives in the camping world and beyond. Melissa (my mentee) and I first met 11 years ago in early October 2005 at a Dunkin Donuts on 125th St. off Lenox Avenue......a place we would meet quite often over the next 2 years. I was in my early 60's and she was 16 and a junior in high school. I was a bit nervous that she might be disappointed in having an older coach and not someone in their 20's or 30's. However, we bonded quickly and easily and our wonderful and special relationship began. Becoming a Project Morry Coach and knowing Melissa has definitely enriched my life. The Coach commitment is technically for 2 years, but after proudly watching Melissa graduate from high school in 2007, I just couldn't imagine walking out of her life and the truly important and meaningful friendship we had forged. Fast forward 11 years, I have had the privilege of watching Melissa mature from a terrific teenager into a remarkable young woman, I am proud to call my friend. From her college graduation, post graduate studies in Europe, and now a dedicated teacher at a NYC Charter School, I have cheered her many accomplishments and watched her take excellent advantage of all the opportunities that have come her away. As in the best relationships, I think both of our worlds have been enlarged through knowing each other. From that 1st meeting 11 years ago between a 60+ year old woman and a 16 year old teenage girl, I now have a lifelong friend with whom I will always stay connected.

Beth Aronstam
School Social Worker, Bridgeport, CT
Every year, I have the privilege of selecting students to enroll in Project Morry. It can be a difficult, as there are so many children who could benefit from this incredible experience. When I finally choose a child for Project Morry, I feel like I’m handing them the winning lottery ticket. Whenever I think of Project Morry, I think of the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”. The amazingly dedicated Project Morry staff are extremely aware and sensitive to the obstacles faced by many children living in the inner city. The campers not only get a unique outdoor experience, they are additionally given the opportunity to creatively address issues to promote positive decision-making, self-esteem, community awareness, and goal setting. The support is year round. The core administrative team visit all communities monthly to follow up on goals and maintain their relationships. If a Project Morry student is having difficulties during the school year, support is just a phone call away. The Project Morry team has stepped in to support an education or emotional need on countless occasions. I cannot express the gratification I get from seeing a first time camper return home. They are always smiling when speaking of camp, but most importantly come back with a developed sense of independence, kindness, appreciation, and community. Their lives are changed.
Social Worker
I feel so terrific about being a part of Project Morry. I have been working with the organization for nearly 20 years, and I recommend students for the program. I like to identify a student who is hard working, excels in school and could really benefit from the experience. I also look for students who would not have the means to go away to summer camp. Once in a while, I recommend a young person who may not have the best grades but shows potential. I knew one student who was very bright but she had behavioral problems. Thanks to Project Morry, she became a leader, has gone to and graduated from college and is now making a difference in other people lives. Project Morry can make a real difference to a child who is struggling. Project Morry is the best thing I can do for a child and the best reward a child can receive for doing well in school. I kind of feel like Santa Claus, when I can send a child to camp. And the school-year component is essential to keep children motivated to succeed.

Camp Walden
Lauren Bernstein
Our campers value camp so much and the idea of giving is something they understand so Camps that Give is a perfect opportunity for our community to be involved in. It is something they can relate to so giving the gift of camp is something they feel is worth raising their effort to raise money for. We believe in what Project Morry stands for – the programs they are running, their goals and their values. It has become such a wonderful part of us and a part of what we do together as a camp, what we stand for and what we value.

I am a long time Project Morry supporter and have been committed to its mission since 2010. I am from South Florida and have been a ferocious fundraiser by hosting annual Walk-a-Thons in my town of Parkland, Florida. The event has become a community staple! Also, this summer I had the opportunity to spend some time at Morry’s Camp and saw firsthand the impact my fundraising efforts are having. Project Morry has definitely had an impact on my life.

I have been working with Project Morry since 6th grade. In the past I have participated in Swim-a-Thons at camp, held collection boxes of camp supplies and had a lemonade stand for Project Morry, but I have always wanted to do something more. To see my dream come true today of seeing the community support an organization at an event that I created means so much to me.

Gate Hill Day Camp
Josh Male, Owner/Director
For over a decade, Gate Hill Day Camp has proudly been a part of the Camps that Give program by orchestrating an annual Swim-a-Thon. As a camp director, sharing Project Morry's mission with our community couldn't be more important. Gate Hill is honored to be a Camp that Gives!

Camp Wicosuta
Corey and Justin Dockswell, Directors
Camp Wicosuta has been a Camp that Gives for the past 10 years. Our campers participate in an annual Swim-a-Thon, run by our 8th graders. Participation in this event is natural for us—it builds on our camp’s philosophy of building confidence, competence and community. Camp is a concept our kids understand and appreciate deeply, so the idea of contributing to an organization that provides summer camp experiences and year-round support rings true for our girls. In short, they get it! We also love the parallel of having our 8th graders teach the rest of the camp about Project Morry. In that way, the whole project is about paying it forward.

Camp IHC
Shelley Tager, Owner/Director Emeritus
Since beginning our Swim-a-Thons, many IHC campers embraced the idea of giving to those who are less fortunate. By swimming laps to raise money for Project Morry, young people become keenly aware that they are giving others an extraordinary experience – the opportunity to attend summer camp. When our Leaders in Training return from their annual visit to Morry’s Camp, they are overwhelmed by the experience and they have a great sense of pride in the knowledge that their efforts contribute to this wonderful place. We receive phone calls, letters and emails from our campers who are continuing the giving year-round. In a world where we hear so many negative things about young people, isn’t it wonderful to know that our children truly understand the importance and joy associated in giving. We can all feel proud and hopeful for the future.
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Our Student Outcome
high school
- New York State’s high school graduation rate is 78%
- High school graduate rates from the communities we serve are as low as 61%
a degree
- New York State’s high school graduation rate is 78%
- High school graduate rates from the communities we serve are as low as 61%