Our Impact

Since 1995, we have had an 81% retention rate throughout our 9 year commitment and over 350 alumni have graduated from our program.

of our young people advance to the next grade on time
attend college immediately following high school
of those who attend graduate from college
graduate from high school on-time
are the first in their families to attend college

In addition to their academic success, Project Morry encourages students to take initiative and safe risks, become self-aware and adaptable, leaders and self-advocates, inquisitive and tolerant.

Our unique long-term commitment to them engenders a partnership built on resiliency, trust, and consistency. Their experiences at camp and school year meetings encourage them to expand their horizons and life goals.

The accomplishments of our alumni attest to the power of their time with us. They are marketing managers, teachers, financial analysts, artists, entrepreneurs, and Fulbright Scholars. They come back to Project Morry ready to mentor the next generation of youth. They are engaged citizens and leaders in their communities.

As Project Morry enters its 25th Anniversary, we look ahead to our next 25 years with optimism rooted in our mission, values, and the knowledge we have acquired as our program has evolved.

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“Project Morry had and continues to have a heavy influence on the young woman I am today. It is because of Project Morry that I am a college graduate and educator. Project Morry instilled values in me that I will forever carry throughout life.”

Project Morry Alumna